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CJSF Information

CJSF Information

Please note the grading scale for CJSF/HS membership is different from the

Rolling Hills Academic Awards grading scale! 



Founded in 1967, the California Junior Scholarship Federation and Honor Society is the oldest junior high school scholastic institution in the state of California.  CJSF is part of CSF, the oldest scholarship institution in California, founded in 1921.

CJSF/HS emphasizes high standards of scholarship, community service and citizenship for California junior high school students. 


Membership is based on scholarship and is gained after qualifying grades are earned each trimester.  In order to become a member the student must submit an application each trimester the student is eligible.  The point system below, specified in the CJSF/HS State By -Laws establishes membership requirements. 

Signing Up

CJSF & HS sign ups occur after each trimester grades are posted - membership is not automatic! (For 3rd trimester grades sign-ups are held at the beginning of the next school year.) Students sign up by completing the Google Form posted in the CJSF Google Classroom.  Sign-ups typically last 10 days and the students are responsible for checking the weekly student bulletin for exact sign up dates. 

Determining Scholarship

Students must earn TWICE the number of points than courses in which you are enrolled that meet membership requirements.

No points are earned for PE, a remedial or repeated course, or work experience in which pay is involved.

Points are granted as follows:

A = 3 points

B = 1 point

C = 0 point

D/F = will debar from membership if received in ANY class.

Also remember:

Trimester membership is based on work done in the previous trimester

You must reapply each trimester for membership.


Service hours are not required for CJSF Membership, but are required to participate in CJSF field trips and/or recognition events. Students must perform a minimum of 2 hours of school based community service. This must be volunteer work; a grade or money cannot be received for this service.

Outside community service must be approved in advance. Please see Mrs. Miller in Room L1 or Mr. Crowson in Room J4 for preauthorization of outside service.  For verification of preapproved off campus service you must attach a letter on the organization’s letterhead stating the following: the date service was provided, description of service, hours completed, name and signature of the contact person.  The coordinator may not be your parent or a relative. 


Students must maintain a total of 85 merits at all times.

As per the by-laws of the Federation, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain a membership application and return it to the library by the due date. This will occur at the end of each trimester.  Applications are only available electronically in the CJSF Google Classroom.  Membership in the Honor Society/CJSF is not automatic.  NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. 

Special Recognition

To qualify for the Gold Seal Award, graduating 8th grade students must have been a member of CJSF for at least TWO trimesters of their 7th grade year and the first TWO trimesters of their 8th grade year.